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Rob Pyne
Jun 9, 20223 min read
3 secret tricks to set criteria for decisions
How to set criteria One of the important drivers of making a good decision is how you set criteria. However, if you look at books on...

Rob Pyne
Jun 9, 20222 min read
Teams and Tribes
We've been tracking 4 organisations as they navigate working remotely, surveying their people every 2 weeks. Here's an insight that might...

Rob Pyne
May 17, 20221 min read
Don’t Let Your Strategy Suffer
How healthy is your organisation’s strategy? Full of beans, or on life support? Any business strategy needs a 'health check' every 3-6...

Rob Pyne
Apr 13, 20223 min read
On Executional Excellence
“How do we get better at executing our strategy?” Senior teams often find it hard to turn their strategy into projects, and then deliver...

Rob Pyne
Mar 24, 20223 min read
Culture After Chaos
Right now, leaders I’m talking to are thinking about culture. If culture is ‘the way we do things round here,’ then culture is changing....

Rob Pyne
Feb 21, 20221 min read
Building Team Trust
If you have new people in your team or you have all been working remotely and lost that 'human connection', here is an exercise which...

Rob Pyne
Jul 22, 20203 min read
Don't be the hero when you're presenting
4 weeks ago I wrote a post about presenting called, “It’s not about the content” which got lots of positive reaction. The idea was that...

Rob Pyne
Jun 24, 20202 min read
It’s not about the content
When you go to a presentation, what are you expecting? Personally, I’m expecting the presenter to do two things. I’m expecting them to…...

Rob Pyne
May 8, 20202 min read
Why managers need to be wrong more
When I was a teenager, before I could drive, I had an argument with my Mum in the car. She was telling me how she could slow the speed of...

Rob Pyne
Mar 20, 20185 min read
"It's not what you do, it's how you think". The 4 cognitive skills that are the future of human work
On the 1st February this year my eldest child started school. One day, during the orientation week, I visited a classroom for year 5 and...

Rob Pyne
Aug 2, 20174 min read
How I solved my biggest presentation problem
Does presenting to your peers make you nervous? Imagine presenting to 500 of them. Who have got beers in their hands, standing in the...

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