Last week an interviewer asked me to describe my journey over the last eight years - from going solo to building a business and writing a book.
It got me thinking.
When we start a new venture, I reckon there are three phases we need to break through. Do these resonate with you and your journey?
At the start of any venture, your major obstacle to getting off the ground is your own fear. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of fear itself.
My favorite tip to overcome fear is to do a “pre-mortem” – imagine it’s now a year in the future and the project has been a massive failure, and work out why it failed. Imagine the worst thing that can happen, and the fear can disappear – “if that’s the worst that can happen, then I’m still up for it”.
When you’re fearless, you’ve got hustle, you get s*!t did, and you seize the opportunities that come your way. But the risk is that you lose focus. It happened to me. My business became unfocused, and it hit a ceiling that I couldn’t get beyond.
Covid-19 provided the solution. My business was smashed from March to June 2020. Pruned right back. But this gave me the chance to rebuild it and work out which branches of my ‘tree’ to invest in. The tree grew back in better shape than pre-covid. I gained focus.
Fired up
Once you’ve got focus, you may find you get some momentum. Your motivation levels ramp up a couple of notches again. You grab the bull by the horns and start charging. You break through to the next level.
So…are you Fearless, focused AND fired up
At the intersection of ‘fearless, focused, and fired up’ great things happen. You’ve got the mindset, you’ve got the discipline, and you have the energy.
Have you got all three going on?
Unlock goes global
Thanks to everyone who helped with the launch, the book has already been featured in UK publication The HR Director, in The Institute of Directors and Managers, in CFO Magazine, in a live interview, I did last week on Ticker TV, and even on posters in Melbourne (thanks JCDecaux!).
Special discount on the paperback this week.
As a special discount for subscribers, if you want to buy a copy or two as a gift to a colleague - or for your whole leadership team - there’s an exclusive discount of $15 off the paperback if you use the code UNLOCK-GIFT and buy direct from the Unlock website.
